July is designated as Spill Prevention Month to promote awareness in industrial spill containment

Andrews, South Carolina, June 25, 2020 — SafeRack, the global leader in industrial loading safety equipment has teamed up with UltraTech International, the leading supplier of environmental compliance products to designate July as Spill Prevention Month. Experts from both companies conduct safety audits to help businesses create an action plan for avoiding spills and containing them when they do occur. With over 10,000 customers served annually, SafeRack helps customers nearly every day from all vertical markets explore options and define solutions to their spill containment needs. Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) violations are increasingly common now that storm season is underway and the risk of spills and runoff is high. The two have joined forces to bring awareness about the importance of developing a comprehensive SPCC plan. 

UltraTech products are designed to keep hazardous spills off of plant floors and out of the environment, to manage stormwater to prevent sediment, oil, and chemicals from entering storm drains, groundwater, and waterways, and to protect the environment from spills. SafeRack VP of Marketing Jason Wilder thinks the designation is vital to helping businesses avoid costly violations while protecting the environment, “We partnered with UltraTech because we believe in their products,” explains Wilder. “Our customers rely on us to ensure their facilities are safe and workers are protected. Providing them with UltraTech products ensures better outcomes when storm season comes each year.”

UltraTech Marketing Director Mario Cruz agrees, “We estimate that SPCC violations cost businesses as much as $37,000 per day with stormwater violations up to $50,000 per day. There’s no reason to wait until a hazardous spill occurs to create a plan for prevention.” From berms, drums, IBC, rail, or truck spill containment, their qualified professionals are ready to reduce downtime and unnecessary fines to bring your business out of harm’s way and into compliance. UltraTech’s wide range of spill containment products and SafeRack’s knowledgeable sales staff have safe solutions for your application.

About SafeRack

SafeRack has been providing safe access to the truck, rail, ship, aviation, and aerospace industries since 2003. Their award-winning products and patents have helped support the efforts of industry-leading Fortune 500 companies such as Boeing, Dow, and Coca-Cola.

About UltraTech

The founders of UltraTech International pioneered the field of spill containment products in the early 1980s. UltraTech was formed in 1993 to create the world’s finest offering of spill containment and spill response products. The company now features a product line that consists of over 400 products.

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